Last updated
Last updated
Available shows you your available USD rewards and updates in real time. Available rewards can either be claimed straight to your wallet as BNB or you can compound them into your Total Value by making a fresh deposit (minimum $200).
Remember if you claim, the claimed amount will be deducted from your Total Value
To Claim - Hit the 'Your Future' Button on the Futures dashboard and then hit 'Claim' you will then need to sign the transaction on your wallet. Claiming will always claim the full amount showing in your 'available'. Partial claims are not possible. To Deposit - Hit the 'Your Future' Button on the Futures dashboard and then hit 'Deposit' and enter your desired deposit amount of BNB (minimum $200 worth*), you will then need to sign the transaction on your wallet. This action will add the 'Available' rewards and fresh deposit amount to your Total Value.
*There is a handy Min button that calculates exactly how much BNB you require to meet the minimum $200 deposit.